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Here are some Sockpuppet songs made into Stepmania tracks.
All songs, steps, and artwork (c) j. "fluffy" shagam unless otherwise specified.
Using git
From inside your Stepmania Songs directory, run:
git clone https://git.beesbuzz.biz/fluffy/sockmania Sockpuppet
To update to the latest version, just do git pull
from inside the Sockpuppet/
Using a zip file
Extract the files into a subdirectory inside your Stepmania songs folder, e.g.
cd Stepmania/Songs
unzip -r ~/Downloads/sockmania.zip
Track listing
- Don't Let The Door Hit You
- Sliced by a Mandolin
- Get Go
- Wiener Dog on a Motorcycle
- President Katya (from Admiralo Island Witches Club)
- New Dawn (from Herbal Spice Problem)
- Delicious Candy (from Full Course)
Additional credits
- cloverfirefly (art, President Katya)
- Robin Kaplan (art, President Katya)
- Patashu (beta testing/feedback)
- Curus Keel (beta testing/feedback, additional step charts)